Royal Botanical Gardens - Rock Garden

Royal Botanical Gardens - Rock Garden is close to Royal Botanical Gardens, York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 3T3

  • Address: 1185 York Blvd, Hamilton, ON L0R 2H9, Canada
  • Phone: +1 905-527-1158
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 43.2892684, -79.8918499

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Royal Botanical Gardens - Rock Garden reviews

This was my first trip to the botanical gardens. My wife and I had an amazing time. The workers there are very friendly and knowledgeable. They will answer all your questions, with enthusiasm. …

The rock garden is quite interesting, multi tiered with lots of hidden paths to give a sense of adventure. …

Beautiful terraced gardens with a wide variety of flowers and trees. There are wide pathways and steps to each level and plenty of benches and chairs to sit down for an extended viewing of areas. Lovely water feature with lily pads and a small waterfall off to the side running into the pond area.

2023-09-28 Jennifer

This was my first trip to the botanical gardens. My wife and I had an amazing time. The workers there are very friendly and knowledgeable. They will answer all your questions, with enthusiasm.

2023-09-28 Michael

The rock garden is quite interesting, multi-tiered with lots of hidden paths to give a sense of adventure.

2023-09-28 Sarah

Beautiful terraced gardens with a wide variety of flowers and trees. There are wide pathways and steps to each level and plenty of benches and chairs to sit down for an extended viewing of areas. Lovely water feature with lily pads and a small waterfall off to the side running into the pond area.

2023-10-13 David

I had a wonderful time at the botanical gardens. The staff was helpful and friendly, and the gardens were well-maintained. I particularly enjoyed the rock garden and exploring the hidden paths.

2023-10-18 Emily

The botanical gardens are a great place to spend a relaxing day. The gardens are beautiful and there are plenty of benches and chairs to sit and enjoy the surroundings. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable, and the rock garden was especially interesting.

2023-10-23 Benjamin

I love visiting the botanical gardens. The rock garden is my favorite part, with its multi-tiered structure and hidden paths. The gardens are well-maintained and there is always something new to discover. The staff is always helpful and knowledgeable.

2023-10-28 Olivia

I had a great experience at the botanical gardens. The rock garden was unique and the hidden paths added to the sense of adventure. The terraced gardens were beautiful and well-maintained, with plenty of seating areas to rest and enjoy the view.

2023-11-02 Jacob

I visited the botanical gardens with my family and we had a wonderful time. The gardens are filled with a variety of flowers and trees, and the rock garden is particularly interesting. The staff was friendly and helpful, and the overall experience was enjoyable.

2023-11-07 Sophia

The botanical gardens are a lovely place to visit. The rock garden is unique and offers a sense of adventure with its hidden paths. The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable, and the gardens are well-maintained. I highly recommend visiting.

2023-11-12 William

I had a great time at the botanical gardens. The rock garden was fascinating with its multi-tiered structure and hidden paths. The gardens were beautiful and well-maintained, and the staff was friendly and helpful. I would definitely visit again.

2023-11-17 Ava

My first visit to the botanical gardens was a wonderful experience. The gardens are well-maintained and there are plenty of seating areas to rest and enjoy the surroundings. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable, and the rock garden was particularly interesting.

2023-11-22 Lucas

I had a fantastic time at the botanical gardens. The rock garden was unique and the hidden paths added to the sense of adventure. The gardens were beautiful and well-maintained, and the staff was friendly and knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend visiting.

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